$275.00 USD

2 monthly payments

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MPK Course (2 Payment Plan)

MPK is a step-by-step process for creating an online business that turns what you know into a stream of income that works even while you sleep. No prior technical knowledge is needed.

There is no risk. Your satisfaction is guaranteed or your money back.

This course includes the exact steps we took to generate over $3.6 million dollars in sales from our very first online course.

You will learn how to:

  • Stop Trading Time for Money
  • Earn Income While You Sleep
  • Share Your Experience & Wisdom

No Hype, Real Results. You will learn how to create an online business that turns your knowledge (MPK) into cash. Or, use this step-by-step process to turn other people's knowledge (OPK) into cash.

Based on the strategy in our Amazon #1 Bestseller book published in 2016. In it we outlined our approach for creating an online course using the information you already have in your head. The book explained, how we used OPK, other people's knowledge, to create the content for our multimillion-dollar course.