How to turn what you know into cash.

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Chris Kelly, Author of Monetize Present Knowledge, Amazon #1 Bestseller.

I believe an online course is the most profitable, lowest-cost way to use your existing knowledge to help more people, generate more revenue and scale your business without working more hours.

By creating an online course, using existing knowledge, we've earned over $3.6 million, just from selling a $99 course.

Please don't hear this as bragging. My goal here is to share our personal testimony hoping to inspire you to do the same.

- Chris

No Hype. No Theory...
This is how we created an online business while having the freedom to see the world, and how you can do it too - or, however you define freedom and living your best life.

I can show you how to have this freedom by creating your own online course that Monetizes your Present Knowledge (MPK). Or, you can use this easy, step-by-step process to turn Other People's Knowledge (OPK) into cash.

Through a series of 30 videos, I will walk you through the exact steps I took to create, launch and market our highly successful online course. And, best of all - no prior technical experience is needed, and it can all be done by you without a staff.

I'll even show you how to earn your first sale BEFORE your course is completed! Again, no theory, we've done this and will show you how.

Keeping it simple. I've been a technologist over 40 years and most of that time was spent demystifying software solutions for clients. This simple course development process has that same approach at its core

We Were There Too and Needed a New Plan A- urgently.
This was our answer...

Our lives changed dramatically due to a family tragedy. My youngest sister passed away one day after giving birth to my nephew, so my wife and I adopted her three young children. We were in our mid to late 40s then and spent the next eighteen years raising them as our own.

Those were challenging times, and the Crash of 2008 made life even tougher. We burned through our lifesavings and retirement funds to provide a home and support our new family. By the grace of God, we did the best we could until they were grown. 

After becoming empty nesters in our late 50s, we needed a new plan for the next phase of life. We wanted to be free to travel so trading time for money was not an option. No more hourly consulting. No more billable hours. No more exhausting business travel. We needed another way.

We created the MPK business model because it freed us geographically. We could run our business from anywhere in the world. This was important to us because during our parenting years, free time and extra money to travel were in short supply. 

We Shared Our Experience In This Book...

The MPK business model is captured in a book I published in 2016. In it I outlined our approach to creating an online course using the information you already have in your head. Or, as the book explains, how to use OPK, other people's knowledge, as we did with our first course. That's right, all of the content of our multimillion-dollar course was based on other people's knowledge. OPK can free you from creating course content on your own.

The MPK book became an Amazon #1 bestseller.

Our results speak for itself: Over $3,600,000 earned from one $99 course...

Since launching our first course the results have been life changing. Again, these are actual our result, net earnings, no hype. Our goal is simply to share our results, explain how we achieved them, and inspire others to do the same.

No Geographic Boundaries. We Ran Our Business From Five Continents...

In 2019 we traveled the world, visited five continents, while running a successful online business - all while attending to my #1 health priority. At the end of that exciting year we decided to make Panama our new home.

To achieve this level of success, you must know your "Why."

To succeed with this plan you must know your know, that person, project or purpose that gets you out of bed excited, and keeps you motivated even when "life" happens.

My Why is a drive that's been with me for as long as I can remember: finding ways to help others prosper. Why? Because I get great satisfaction helping entrepreneurs help more people and generate more revenue without working more hours. That's what preoccupies my thoughts.

Important news most people aren't paying attention to...

◾ 78% of American wage earners now live paycheck to paycheck.

◾ 50% of homeowners and renters are having trouble paying their mortgage and rent.

◾ The average American has less than $600 in savings.

◾ Well-known companies that went bankrupt in the last year: WeWork, Rite Aid, Bed Bath & Beyond, Tuesday Morning, Party City, etc.

To Make Matters Worse...

◾ Total debt for millennials in their 30s hit more than $3.8 trillion, a 27% jump from late 2019, and the steepest increase of any age group.

◾ 83% of Americans over 50 are NOT confident they can maintain a comfortable lifestyle in retirement.

◾ Food prices increased 23.5% from February 2020 to May 2023; rent 20%, while wages only increased 4.2% for non-union workers for the 12-month period ending in December 2023.

There must be a better way...

Profitable Niches for your Online Course...

Here are some ideas for turning your present knowledge into a monthly stream of cash.


A big plus is you won't need the latest new technology. 

(No technical experience is required.) 

All The Technology You Need...

While I am a technologist with over 40 years of experience, I am not a fan of buying "the latest and greatest gadgets." Our first online course was created with a camcorder I bought back in 2016.
Actually, the smartphone in your pocket may be more than enough to get the job done. 

Here are Objections Thought Leaders Overcome to Create an Online Course...

I'm too busy with my current workload to create a course.

Creating a course requires an initial time investment, but it will save you time in the long run by reducing the number of one-on-one sessions needed. By dedicating time upfront to create a course, you free up your schedule, allowing you to focus on higher-value tasks and spend more time on personal development and other passions.

I'm not tech-savvy enough to handle the online course creation process.

Our Content Management System (CMS) platforms is user-friendly and offers step-by-step guides, even for first time users. No prior technical experience is required.

I'm worried that the course won't be as effective as my one-on-one sessions.

Online courses can include interactive elements, assessments, and forums to enhance learning and engagement. By incorporating interactive elements, you can ensure that your course is engaging and effective, providing value comparable to one-on-one sessions.

I don't know how to market an online course effectively.

Digital marketing strategies, including social media, email marketing, and SEO, can be employed to reach your target audience. Implementing a robust marketing strategy ensures your course reaches a broader audience, generating more leads and helping more clients. These are included with the MPK course.

There are already too many online courses in my field.

Your unique perspective and expertise can differentiate your course from others. Highlighting your unique value proposition and personal insights makes your course stand out in a crowded market.

Creating a course requires an upfront investment that I’m not sure will pay off.

The MPK Pre-Launch strategy is designed to make money before your course is completed. The potential for passive income and scalability can result in significant long-term financial benefits. Investing in course creation now leads to a steady stream of passive income, providing financial stability and growth.

I'm concerned that potential clients won't see the value in an online course.

Testimonials, case studies, and a clear demonstration of benefits can enhance perceived value. Showcasing success stories and tangible benefits elevates the perceived value of your course, attracting more clients.

My clients value the personal interaction and personal advice I provide.

You can offer additional one-on-one coaching sessions or group webinars as part of the course. Incorporating personal interaction options like audio, video and even live meetings within your course maintains the personal touch while expanding your reach.

I'm worried about protecting my content and intellectual property.

Our CMS offers various measures to protect your content, such as restricted access. Utilizing protection measures ensures your intellectual property is safeguarded while reaching a wider audience.

I'm not sure how to price my course or create a sustainable revenue model.

Research and pricing strategies can help determine the optimal price point and revenue model. Implementing a well-researched pricing strategy, including competition research, ensures sustainable income from your course.

My clients might expect the same level of personalized service in the course as they get in one-on-one sessions.

Setting clear expectations and offering additional support options can manage client expectations. Setting clear boundaries and providing support options maintains client satisfaction and realistic expectations.

Well, there you have it. I hope you're excited and ready to take action!

Seriously, isn't it time to get out of the rat-race (freedom)?
Isn't it time to stop trading your valuable time for money (more leisure time)?
Isn't it time to secure your financial future (peace of mind)?
Isn't it time to cement your legacy (posterity)?

It's Easy as One, Two, Three...

With our easy, step-by-step process...

Step #1

Identify a problem that you can solve. For example, a service you've provided at your work or in business. Or, the focus of your professional or coaching practice. For authors, the subject of your book might be ideal.

Step #2

Create an online course to teach others how to solve the same problem for themselves. All that's required are step-by-step instructions from you, the person with the experience, expertise and information.

Step #3

Turn your existing knowledge into cash! It is really that simple. I will provide you with the exact same plan, in an easy step-by-step format, which we used to turn OPK (Other People's Knowledge) into over $3 million dollars - while we traveled the world.

Includes All You Need to Build a Successful Online Business in 30 Lessons...

✔ Your MPK Journey Starts Here: Learn to A-B-C (Always Be "C"elling😉).

✔ Welcome, let's get organized: What you'll need to get and stay organized and productive.

✔ Your Hardware Toolkit: Getting to know to your Hardware Toolkit.

✔ Your Software Toolkit: Getting to know to your Software Toolkit.

✔ What are You Selling: How to truly understand what you are selling.

✔ Introduction to the CMS: Introduction to the Content Management System.

✔ How to get Help from the CMS: Instructions for times when extra help is needed.

✔ Screen Capturing: How to record what is on your screen and add voiceover narration.

✔ Video editing: How to edit recorded videos.

✔ Registering a Domain Name: The strategy behind choosing a domain name.

✔ Preparation for Website Development: What you need to create your website.

✔ Connecting the Domain: How to connect a customer domain to your website.

✔ Payment Integration: How to collect electronic payments via debit/credit cards and PayPal.

✔ How to Create Images: How to source professional images for your website and emails.

✔ How to Create Your Product: How to create your online course.

✔ How to Create a Coaching Program: How to use the CMS to manage a Coaching practice.

✔ Email Templates Customization: How to create branded custom email.

✔ How to Create an Offer: How to create an Offer that is ready to sell.

✔ How to Create an Email Campaign: How to create email campaigns including email blasts and funnels.

✔ Never give up: A motivating and encouraging message.

✔ How to Create a Pre-Launch Offer: How to create and sell an offer before your course is completed.

✔ How to Create a Pre-Launch Funnel: How to create a sales funnel that builders your list of prospects.

✔ How to Promote your Pre-Launch Offer: How to advertise your offer and get sales.

✔ How to Create an Affiliate Program: How to create a salesforce that sells your product on commission.

✔ How to Create a Website: How to create your customized website.

✔ How to Create a Landing Page: How to create a landing page to sell your offer before your website is done.

✔ Website Navigation: How to create custom header & footer links to your website.

✔ Adding a Form and Automation: How to create lead capture forms with auto response capability.

✔ Welcome to the World of Business: Tips for new business owners.

✔ [BONUS VIDEO] Tax Advantages for Businesses: Income tax suggestion for new business owners.

I hope you're excited and ready to take action!

Oh, one more thing. To take all risk out of this, we offer a 30-day, no questions asked, 100% money back guarantee. There's nothing to lose.

Monetize Present Knowledge Satisfaction guarantee.


Purchase your step-by-step training course for turning what you know into cash that works even while you sleep.

2 Payments


A partial list of what's included:

  • 30 video lessons
  • Create your online course
  • Content Editing
  • Create Your Website
  • Pre-Launch Strategy
  • Emailing Marketing
  • Task Automation
  • Collect Credit Card Payments
  • Find Customers
  • Sales Funnel Implementation
  • Social Media Marketing
  • and much more!

One Payment


With one payment, you save $53.

  • 30 video lessons
  • Create your online course
  • Content Editing
  • Create Your Website
  • Pre-Launch Strategy
  • Emailing Marketing
  • Task Automation
  • Collect Credit Card Payments
  • Find Customers
  • Sales Funnel Implementation
  • Social Media Marketing
  • and much more!

Not ready? Have Questions?
Complete this short form to receive more information.
(If you want to do this but can't afford the cost. Send me a message explaining your situation. I'll try to help.)